We are called the Community Dancers Brno. We are a company of people of all age categories who are interested in square, line and couples dancing to music of the 19th century to the present.
If you want to share our eventful club life – join us! Don’t stay at home! We are open to other dance activities as well. We dance for pleasure, actively using our leisure time. You can see some moments from our events at our PhotoGalery.
We meet regularly on Wednesdays (Square Dance) and Thursdays (Line Dance) at SVČ Lužánky, department Louka, Bzenecká 23. The children’s section, which is called "Community’s Little Kangaroos", meets there on Thursdays (current terms - click here). Occasionally, instead of these regular meetings and festive club evenings, we visit various dance events that are held for a weekend or sometimes for a week at different places, either in the Czech Republic or abroad.